Sabbath Services
Welcome to the Lighthouse!
Presently twice a month we meet as ‘house churches’ in homes and twice a month we meet in a larger corporate gathering where the members of the various house churches can gather, worship God together, and catch-up with each other. The specifics below are based on the larger corporate gathering.
Before Service
Coffee Bar
Starting at 2:30 pm, we have our coffee bar available for those who want a cup of coffee or tea.
Intercession/Sabbath Classes
Before the service, we regularly have a time of prayer for the congregation as well as classes that discuss important issues for us as Messianic believers.
Nursery care is available for children ages 6 months through age 4 from 2:45 - 5:45 pm. Also, younger children (ages 4-10) have an age-appropriate teaching and class before the service.
during service (3:30-5 pm)
Sounding the Shofar
We blow the ram’s horn at the start of the service. The shofar is blown to call the people of God together for our convocation.
Call to Worship
One of the Lighthouse leaders provides an introductory focus and issues a call to worship for the service.
Opening liturgy
We ask God for His help that we might be able to love Him well and that we would experience all that He desires for us during our service.
Sabbath Liturgy/Shema
In this call-and-response liturgy, we acknowledge the importance of Yeshua’s atonement, the blessing of the Sabbath, and sing the Shema. Shema is a Hebrew word meaning ‘hear’ and refers to Deuteronomy 6:4 which states that there is only one God and that God is one.
Blessing Liturgy
Early in the service we take time to bless one nother. Using a call-and-response liturgy, first the congregation blesses one-another, then the husbands bless the wives, then the wives bless their husbands, and lastly the couples bless first their daughters and then their sons.
More than just collecting money so we can keep the lights on, the time of the offering is the time we corporately declare our gratefulness for God’s provision and blessings, and declare anew our dependence upon Him as our abundant Provider.
Worship and the Word
Songs are intended to first bring us into the presence of God by shaking off the stresses of the day, and then usher our hearts towards our common awesome God so that we can worship Him together.
The sermon is an explanation and application of God’s word for us as His people. Through these teachings we receive instruction, encouragement, correction, and comfort in order to become more like Yeshua.
Blessing and Sending
Aaronic Benediction
We close our time by reciting the Aaronic Blessing together. During this blessing we specifically ask for YHWH’s blessings to be upon us as we end our time of convocation.
After the Service
After the service we have time to continue to fellowship and spend time together.
The Joy of the Lord is infectious!