
How beautiful are the feet of him who brings good news!

The leadership of the Lighthouse is not primarily about names or faces; it’s about feet moving towards Kingdom priorities. It’s about the realization that it is God doing the work at the Lighthouse through people who don’t care who gets the credit. We are not interested in acclaim or recognition; we are interested in seeing God’s Kingdom expand and in looking forward to and hastening the day of Yeshua’s return.

Brother Peder

Peder and his wife, Jessica, along with a small group of six others helped start the Lighthouse by conducting outreaches in an Englewood park in 2004.  They presently have two children.  Peder is one of three elders who provide oversight and leadership for the Lighthouse.  As a young boy, Peder’s parents consistently prayed for him to ‘grow up to love Jesus.’ This is still his primary desire. His heart is to see Believers grow in their love for God and to be equipped and empowered to come together in teams to collaboratively use their gifts to multiply the kingdom.  

Brother Steve

Steve came to the Lord as a middle-aged man (38) not as a result of a bad childhood, or traumatic event or abuse; it was boredom, boredom with a meaningless life. Through his early years God had been trying to talk with him, and Satan had even tried to take him out, but the pivotal moment came at the failure of his 2nd marriage. His acceptance of Yeshua into his life was a profound moment which catapulted him into religious education at Denver Seminary. Life demands and work forced the 3yr study program into an 8yr marathon, but along the way Steve met the woman God had prepared for him all along. God seamed them together into ministry to the lost, hurting, and abandoned people God wanted brought into His family. She is gone now, but Steve has continued in their joint vision of healing the broken-hearted. If asked, Steve will tell you that those wilderness years were just as important as the productive ones, because it was then that God created the skills and abilities that are now being used to further the Kingdom. Steve would also say, “Take heart, no one is so lost that he cannot be found by God!”

Brother Raymond

Raymond is a native son of Denver and has seen mighty changes flow through this city and mighty changes flow through his life as well. He was not raised by his parents, or even his grandparents, but by his great-grandmother who saw to it that Raymond was given the moral and ethical guidance to succeed in life. As his great-grandfather died when he was only three, he was raised by a woman who demonstrated through her life what moral courage, quiet dignity, and steadfast love could add to a life affected by worldly intrusions.

Raymond is a founding member of the Lighthouse and as such has striven to live a life worthy of the trust placed in him by his great-grandmother. His credo is simple and yet profound. He says a man is not known by the way he colors his own experiences, but by the brush strokes of those around him. His words and deeds line up to reveal the true content of his character. The spiritual/moral life is not an easy life, as Raymond often says, but it is the only life worth living. It is also the greatest legacy a man can leave behind, one that will last for generations.